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The A-Sicka Heals Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in loving memory of Anthony Phillip
Howard, who left us way too soon. Anthony departed this earth on September 10, 2018, at the age of 26.
In sharing Anthony's story, we hope that it will assist someone who may be going through similar issues
that Anthony was having during the time of his death.


Anthony was intelligent and loving. He was described by one of the neighbors as the true definition of
the "boy next door". He had such a fun spirit, bubbly personality, and an infectious smile. Whenever
Anthony was present, you knew because he was the light of any gathering. Anthony had a passion for
creating and sharing music with the world, and his talent exuded through it all. Selfless, giving, loving
and supportive are adjectives that aptly describe who Anthony was. He would do all that he could to
make sure his loved ones were happy. The outstanding energy Anthony had was only on the surface,
deep inside he was suffering. On the inside, he felt hurt and broken. Despite his vibrant radiance, he was
suffering from depression.


Anthony had a huge loving family and was a caring and compassionate young man. One may wonder
how someone so full of life could be depressed. What Anthony did not have was a peace of mind. He felt
that he should have been in a different place at that time in his young life. Not being at peace with who
and where he thought he should be, put Anthony in a dark place. As a result, this caused Anthony to
spiral out of control. To deal with the chaos, he tried to suppress the depression by drinking his
problems away. The A-Sicka Heals Foundation is pushing to break the stigma associated with mental
health. Destigmatizing the narrative around the issue can be a matter of life and death. Speaking up
doesn't show that you are weak, it symbolizes your strength. Mental illness is like rain, it touches
everyone; no matter your race, economic status, education or zip code. Let's support one another and stand together to change the conversation about mental health.

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